Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Surreal Distractions

I must apologize to my regular readers. I just can't seem to get this post about Rhet's halter class written tonight. It doesn't seem right to me to be posting about chasing my dream when there are two more law enforcement officers fighting for their lives here.

Since Halloween that brings the total to eight law enforcement officers who have been ambushed in our state. The sheriffs from this latest incident are fighting for their lives. One is stable..........the other one report said is on life support..........only time will tell. The shooter is dead, shot and killed by the officer who is reported to be on life support.

Last night's shooting was a few down the rode from my farm. Both my husband and I have met the two sheriff's who were shot and I believe I have met the man who did the shooting. One of the neighbor's interviewed by reporters gets manure from me each spring for her garden. It's all just too surreal.

Instead of writing about Rhet, I'm asking my readers to pray for these officers and their families and the law enforcement officers in this state. They're all really struggling right now trying to make sense out of this madness.


  1. It's just sickening. I've been praying for the officers since I heard about it last night on the news. I wondered how close this was to your place. You and your neighbors have my prayers, love & hugs, too!

  2. Oh my!! absolutely- I'm sending prayers for all the police officers all over the world, especially those shot in the line of duty. What a terrible, senseless thing this is!!

  3. Prayers for the families of the officers, and all who are involved.

    Prayers for you guys too MiKael.

  4. My dad was a cop for 30 years. Luckily his small town career was very mild. Cops today are going to war, it seems. There are more crazies and crime. Prayers to Dad's "brothers".

  5. Prayers for them and for their families, also the shooter. His family needs prayers, too. Not their fault he was off his rocker. Maybe this will end here. Keep us informed, please.

  6. I hope the sheriff's make it and this craziness stops. What's the matter with people anyway.

    Hope you are doing well and I am sending good thoughts your way. Peace to you and your family and horses this holiday season.

  7. This whole world has just gone crazy, people and priorities are just not what they were, so sorry for what you are going through!!!! ((((Hugs)))) and prayers for all the families concerned.
