Fun Stuff for Sale

I've been kicking some fun stuff around for a while wondering when I was ever going to get the time to list it on ebay. Now that I'm laid up for a while, I figured it might be a good time to work on building myself on online store. Since I'm not quite well enough to tackle a project like that yet, I thought I'd do some experimenting here since blogger now gives me the option of adding pages.

I'm not ready with pictures yet but I'm going to try to work on those tomorrow and then I'll be starting off with a brand new working headstall from Schneider's. I haven't decided yet whether I should go for an auction style format or set prices. What do you think??


  1. I can't wait to see what you have on offer!! & personally I think having fixed prices would be alot easier for you.

    Best wishes for a successful Sale!


  2. MiKael,

    If you happen to have a size 68 turnout blanket for sale, please keep me in mind. I need to send one to my new filly in Philomath, OR.

    I can't wait to see all the goodies you'll have up for sale!

  3. I have a few books that I can donate for the sale, (or just for you to read :)if you're interested. "The Arab Horse" by Spencer Borden pub. 1906, "The Horse of the Desert" by William Robinson Brown pub. 1947 and the "Arabian Horse Yearbook 1972". Let me know,
