Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve Thoughts...

In my years of blogging I have never missed a Christmas Eve post until this year so I sure didn't want to follow that up by missing a New Year's Eve post as well. Despite the writer's block that seems to have a death grip on me, I am determined to get this post up instead of just thinking about it as the clock ticks away. That translates to content is not the best but here goes........

I am thinking about you all even if my presence has been lacking in the blogosphere. I never could have predicted the effect this illness would have on me. For now I am happy to be alive and praying for better health this coming year.

The horses are well and looking forward to a few days of turnout as the weatherman has finally proclaimed the current drowning is coming to an end. The creek has been over its banks for weeks and there's water in a barn aisle or two but the horses have remained high and dry. Most of them watch the rainfall, content to munch their meals and harrass stall cleaners instead of going outside in the soup. I've definitely raised a herd of pansies who do not appreciate being out in the rain.

Happy New Year Everyone from the herd and crew at Rising Rainbow Arabians.


  1. Happy New year for you too! Stay well, and I hope things get better for you. x

  2. Wishing you better health in 2013. Hope you are healing and feeling better. Happy New Year to everyone at Rising Rainbow!

  3. Happy New Year to you too. I've taken longer to recover from much less, and you are stronger woman than I am. The frustrating thing is that when you do experience such a life changing event, or nearly lose your life, you can never really get your life back to the way that it was before. You have to carve out a new one, because you have new emotions, attitudes, and a whole new list of priorities and values. When you realize you aren't the same person, then it's like you have to mourn the life or personality you can't have back. When dealing with stubborn health problems, just trying to get the energy to think can be difficult. I have had to start lists just to figure out what it is that I want, because everything I used to enjoy just feels like a burden. I don't know if some of that is what you are experiencing, but I hope 2013 treats you well and brings you full restoration of your health.

  4. Happy New Year to you Mikael!

  5. It's good to hear from you. Sending you prayers for a healthier year.

  6. Glad to see a post!! :0)
    Happy New Year to you and yours!!
    Take care and get well!!

  7. Happy New Year, hoping for good health and good horse times for you

  8. Happy New Years to you and your family! Here's hoping that the new year brings you good health and happy times with your beautiful horses!!

  9. Wishing you a happy healthy new year! It is good to hear from you.

  10. So happy to hear from you! Just a small post if you can manage it is great.

  11. Happy to hear from you! We understand if you can't get right back to regular blogging. It's nice to have just a little update. Take care, Anita

  12. Happy to see your post! I think about you often and pray for a better year in 2013 for you!

  13. Best wishes for a happier and healthier 2013 for you and yours!

  14. Good to see you posting again, even if few and far between. You are in my thoughts and prayers for a better year this time around. You of all people deserve it!

    ~Love & hugs~
    from our herd to yours!

  15. Happy New Year MiKael! Great to hear from you again.

    My ponies too would rather be inside that out in the rain, but that is usually not an option :)

  16. Mikael,

    So glad to see a post from you! Was really getting worried. Prayers for you and yours for a better year in everyway!

