Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm most thankful to be alive this holiday even if I'm not up to celebrating. Funny how life's bumps can change one's perspective. Now if I could just get back to eating like normal. I sure am wishing my stomach would tolerate turkey with all the trimmings. Maybe by Christmas I'll be to that point.

In the meantime, here's wishing everyone a great Thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season to come.


  1. I hope you continue to heal, and I'm keeping you in my prayers.

  2. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm glad you're home!

  4. Hope you had a nice day ,turkey or not. I am sure thankful that I met you

  5. beautiful thanksgiving thoughts sent to you from a sunny New Zealand. Giving thanks that you are still posting ....sharing your news.Because even as complete strangers this blogging horsey world has created friends of a sort.My only advice for the nerves is maybe a biomag woolrest underlay on your bed. They are pure wool ....with magnetic things to do great wonders to the body and ooooohhhh just gorgeous to sleep on, especially if you have been unwell. They are a NZ icon!

  6. Prayers continue for your recovery. Have you tried ginger tea? Might help calm your tummy.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you!! Your journey has also given me prospective on what is truely important.

  8. Every day I check to see if there is something from you. It is good to hear your "voice." I think about and pray for you all the time. So sorry for what you are going through, but we know you can do it and are pulling for you to get to eat turkey at Christmas. I know many of us wish we could come and help you. All I can do is send cyber hugs.

  9. Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I spend one day off the computer while traveling and am still not caught up with all the blogs I regularly read. Glad you're feeling better, even if the progress is slow. Blessings.

  10. Mikael, you are in my thoughts daily, hang in there, turkey will be available when you're ready.

  11. Best wishes Mikael, healing vibes and Happy Thanksgiving from England.

  12. You are such a strong woman. I am so sorry you couldn't enjoy a holiday meal - but it will all change.
    Blessings to you!

  13. Good to hear your doing better! We are thankful you are here too!
    Use lots of pillows to get comfortalbe....have Dave bring a horse to the purch for you to pet and smell = you will get better faster!

  14. Happy thanksgiving to you! No good about not having turkey, but there are always more turkey suppers around. Hoping you heal up and found a way to get comfortable.

  15. So glad to read a post from you. Sending prayers your way.

  16. So glad to hear you are doing better!!! Have Dave bring a horse to the pourch so you can run your fingers thru the fur and smell hhourse breath. That will help you heal!

  17. Glad you are feeling better! Have Dave bringa horse down for you to run you fingers thru the fur ans smell some hourse breath! That will help you feel better

  18. Thinking of you and hoping you are getting rest and feeling better, if only by bits a day. You will get there!

  19. Hi,
    I was a friend and reader of Carmon’s blog and I saw many of your comments there.
    Carmon meant so much to me, though we never met in person. But that’s the way of the world, these days... you find you can truly love the intangible person.
    Since she died I’ve visited her blog daily, out of habit and I’ve seen that you have visited often, as well.
    I’ve logged in wanting to be there if Mike should write something. I wonder how he’s doing, how the animals are and I wish there were a place where I could speak to others who loved her. She left her blog with ‘approval only’ so whatever I or you have sent in the past couple of weeks... it goes into the ether....
    People need a place to grieve and speak about the person they loved. I’ve created a blog, nothing remarkable... but a place where we can gather,
    If you would like to have a place to go to talk about Carmon, say goodbye... whatever, the address is
    Write your comments, letters, whatever and if you have a photo or anything you would like to share send it to me..... and I’ll create a post with it.
    I don’t expect this to be elaborate... just a quiet space for us to share our memories and love for her... and then leave her to ride Star into a new existence.

  20. You have so many of us out here in cyberspace that are thinking of you Mikael! I hope you have gotten the pain under control and are healing! There will be turkey at Christmas so hopefully you can eat it then!!!

  21. Sending prayers and best wishes.
    Happy Holidays!

  22. Thinking of you Mikael......

    Praying for your healing and hoping you have a beautiful Christmas.


  23. Thinking of you and hoping you're feeling better for the holidays. We miss you!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
